Tuesday I will enter the hospital; I will be sedated; they will put a visual camera down my throat and investigate the rupture in my mitral valve. Now what part of this operation do you not understand? I am sure it is clear to you but it will be clearer to the one who must undergo the operation. Our Lord tells the apostles clearly that He is headed to Jerusalem; there He will be mocked, scourged, crucified and will rise on the third day. Why did they not understand the meaning of the prophets and the life mission of the Messiah?
There is a very subtle answer to it all. They never paid the price for the mystery. They never suffered the pain that Our Lord said He would suffer for the salvation of souls. Pain is the coin of exchange for the mystery of the Crucifixion. In your mind’s eye reflect upon St. Paul’s exhortation to the Christians. He is lifted up to the third heavens and all because of the pain he suffered being ship-wrecked, being beaten with rods five times, three time she was scourged and he was stoned and left for dead. Does Paul revel in his excursion to the third heavens? No, he glories in the sufferings that he can endure to fill up in his human body the pain for the salvation of souls.
Today the mystical body is starving for those who will offer their prayers and their pain for the souls of sinners who no longer care about the reward of heaven. The Jewish mind covers the communities over the world pushing them to self-hatred. There is only that worldly desire to control everyone and everything. The pathway of pain and humility is not known to such as these but the faithful Catholic must keep alive the pattern of salvation offered in the Son of God Himself (humiliation, humiliation and pain).
Who cares about the infiltration of the Church? It cannot stop me for keeping my eyes fixed on the divinity of Christ. The blind man represents all of us and as long as we focus on the divinity of Jesus we will see the path that leads our souls to eternal happiness. The apostles will come to know this mystery as one by one they walk the hill of Calvary in imitation of the Lord Himself. Be assured that the pattern is real and it is there for you and I to accept and live. We will find the way in the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart. I can only encourage you to pick up your cross of pain and suffering and proclaim that cross as your greatest trophy.
In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Fr. Richard Voigt, S.D.B.
P.S. I will be offering my pains for your understanding of the mystery of the Catholic faith.
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