The Deaf can hear and the Dumb can speak. When was the last time you spoke of Jesus or Mary or one of the saints that adorn the history of the Catholic faith? When was the last time you heard a friend or an associate speak of anything of substance? Chances are you are surrounded […]
Archive | Sunday Reflections
10th Sunday After Pentecost 2019
God have mercy on me a sinner! It was on a Friday morning they took me from my cell; and I saw they had a carpenter to crucify as well. You can blame on Pilate; you can blame it on the Jews; You can blame it on the devil; it is God that I accuse. […]
9th Sunday After Pentecost 2019
Jesus Wept! When my father was building homes in Southern California and the market stopped and he had but a few dollars to feed a family of 7, he wept. When my mother heard the news of her father’s sudden death to cancer, she wept. Our deepest emotions are exposed in our weeping. It is […]
8th Sunday After Pentecost 2019
There comes a moment in the life of every rational creature that affirms or denies the right of God over our very self. The woman demanding an abortion of her very child cries out that it’s her body and her right. Wrong! You are not your own and this is the very heart of the […]
6th Sunday After Pentecost 2019
On every special day families and societies join together to eat. Nutrition is the means to grow physically, intellectually and spiritually. For this reason modern man issues forth the brilliant reflection that we “are what we eat.” This has the quality of a universal truth. This is a truth which applies to the physical, intellectual […]