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2nd Sunday of Advent 2018

Time to face the facts and accept them. There are three facts presented in the Gospel for this Second Sunday in Advent. First, they must be exposed. Second, they must be placed upon the scale of history. Third, we must see how they are being exposed in the modern society and the Conciliar Church of the New Advent.

Fact number one: John the Baptist represents the fullness of the Patriarchs, the prophets and the Law. For this reason he is called the precursor of the Lord. After his call to the Israelites all will go silent in expectation of the coming of an era of grace (friendship with God). He indicates in his message that “the Lamb of God” is present. That “Lamb” must increase while he must decrease. To prepare our hearts to receive the word of the “Lamb” we must fulfill our duties with great attention.

Fact number two: Jesus presents His “Works” as testimony to John that He is the One Who is to come. The “Works”, giving sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb, health to the lepers, life to the dead and the poor have the good news preached to them, these works are the expression of the divine presence. Most importantly blessed is he who is not scandalized by the death of the “Lamb”.

Fact number three: What are our expectations of John? Is he a reed blowing in the wind or a king dressed in gold attire? He is instead a prophet and an angel that goes before the face of God and calls us to evaluate our lives as he did his. All tribulation is nothing if it draws us into intimacy with the One Who created us and redeemed us.

These are the facts that answer the three questions of intellectual beings. In the grand scheme we want to know: 1) If God is going to send someone then he ought to be foretold from of old. This is the least God could do to prepare us. 2) This Messenger from God must do the works of God (miracles ought to abound). 3) He must take our greatest fear (death) and destroy it.

Now let us go more deeply into the importance of this Gospel story. It answers the issue of religion itself. From the sin of Adam and Eve God had prepared the way for man to be re-bonded to His Love through the shedding of the blood of the lamb. Only the Sacrifice of the Lamb of God can be called the very “act of religion”. There is only one Lamb and one sacrifice placed in the hands of St. Peter and the other apostles to spread throughout the world for the salvation of all who accept it. Hence the reason that there is “no salvation outside the Catholic Church.” If one rejects the act of God’s unique sacrifice then one rejects the plan for his salvation.

This act of sacrificing the Eternal High Priest is the center and core of the Catholic Church and to relegate it to a mere supper is a protestant construct at best. As Our Lord concludes the story He notes that John is not like the men of today: reeds blowing in the hot air from the leftists in our society and in our hierarchy. No, John speaks the truth and is willing to die for the truth. He would have no divorce and remarriage and then allow those living in sin to receive the Holy Sacrament. Nor is John worried about the fashion show that circulates around our country and the world. To be dressed like kings and queens only shows that luxury softens the character and leads the person into vanity and other expressions of pride. John is more than a prophet; he is a sign of the angelic nature that will come to all those who believe in the Lamb and keep His Word.

Now our Lord presents another beatitude: Blessed is he who is not scandalized by Me. What could cause this scandal? It is always the Cross upon which the lamb of God is offered to the heavenly Father for the redemption of my soul. Note that the devil offered Jesus three shortcuts from the Cross and our Lord refused them one by one. Today the false Catholic Church has bought into those three temptation and has changed the true sacrifice into an unholy man-made dinner. Not one of us would shed our blood for a MacDonald burger! We will lay down our lives for the Lord Who poured out His Blood totally for us.

So bring on the tribulations that will open our eyes to the capital sins we have so often committed. Give us the sufferings that will detach our hearts from the pleasures and deceits of the world. Transform our attitudes to seek to atone for our sins and the sins of our brothers and sisters everywhere. Enlighten us to the purity needed to understand Truth in its fullness. Fire our love through the immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary and consume in us all that is not like our God. Let us prepare well for this holy Christmas as if it were the last one we could celebrate before our death.

God bless you all,

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt

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