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26th Sunday After Pentecost 2018

The Leavening Process

If you want the bread to rise then you must add a little yeast to the mix. The yeast will invade every part of the dough and cause the mass to rise then it is prepared for the oven. Anyone who has made bread knows the importance of a little yeast. Now the Church applies this fact to the development of the holy life in the soul of each one. She teaches sanctity in three movements: 1) Purgative, 2) Illuminative, and 3) unitive.

Every soul that opens the womb of a mother brings the effects of original sin into the flesh. This poison must receive the antidote prepared by God Himself through the shedding of the Blood of the only begotten Son of God. This antidote is applied through the sacrament of Baptism and initiates the divine life of grace in the soul of the newborn. It is so important to have this sacrament as soon as possible after birth in order to counter the influence of the devil.

Baptism cleanses the soul and empowers it with divine grace, union with God. This friendship begins to develop as the child grows. The guidance of the parents fosters the divine life  of grace which is imperceptibly flowing in the growing child. Once the age of reason dawns upon the child then the sacraments of confession and holy communion become the source of increase sanctifying or sacramental grace. Frequent confession and frequent holy communions are responsible for the increase of Christ-like-ness in the soul. Actual graces will foster the daily actions of the soul. Grace acts as the divine leaven penetrating to the very core of one’s being.

What then are the marks of the soul which is attentive to both sacramental grace and actual grace?  First, one must note the “desire” of this soul to please God and to want all souls to come to the knowledge and love of God. Second, the soul will display a piety which is reverent, simple and sincere. Third, the soul will naturally find itself devoted to our Blessed Mother, the saints, the angels and the souls in purgatory. Fourth, the soul is marked by discipline or mortification as means to repair for sin and to ransom souls for God. Fifth, the soul glories in the crosses that God the Father will offer it as a means of becoming an imitation of Christ.

The goal of sanctifying and actual grace is the attainment of union with God. The soul has been purged of all desire for the world, the flesh or the deceits of the demonic. Now “to live” is Christ which utilizes the illuminative life to peer more deeply into the mystery of the Divine Son of God. The leaven of Grace comes to perfection in the movement of the body towards its death. The soul is prepared to unite its death with that of our Lord.  in that moment the soul experiences the martyrdom of duration which leads that soul to eternal union with the Beloved.

How wonderful it will be to shed the body and free the soul for the eternal bliss of knowing the divine Trinity in glory. Keep your spiritual eyes fixed on your goal and utilize every opportunity to live in the friendship of our Lord and our Lady. The two hearts will give our souls their greatest consolation. As Don Bosco said repeatedly:  “A little bit of heaven will make all the sufferings on earth worthwhile.”

In the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt

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