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1st Sunday of Advent 2018

When all creation is falling then “look up

All creation was formed to glorify its Creator. Now all of creation is in travail like a woman in labor pains. All hell is breaking loose and claiming to be the “pleasure”and “freedom” that man requires. A complete demonic deception is on the way and now we must prepare by “looking up for your redemption is near at hand.” (Lk. 21:30)So our issue is exactly how does one look up when all is falling down?

First, one must recognize that it is the Church which is the Sun (Christ our head) and the moon (Our Lady) and the stars (our saints), “to whom it was said ‘Fair as the moon, bright as the sun (Canticle 6:9), and she then shall not be seen, as her persecutors rage against her without measure.” (St. Ambrose) Our crisis is a Cross that will bring the entire secular world down upon the Church forcing her to do as our Lord did and enter into hiding. Look at how Michael Matt expresses this in his words from the underground (Remnant Underground on Youtube). From the underground the word of God will go forth in unique ways by looking up and not down.

Second, the apostatizing of the majority causes the faith to be dimmed because the truth of our Lord is changed and modified to be acceptable to modern man. But the modernism of the mass of priests, bishops, cardinals and Pope does not satisfy our soul’s yearning for the truth that sets us free from this world and its cares. As the earth causes the moon eclipse by coming between it and the sun so the ecclesial concern for global warming and ecological matters is separating the union of Christ and our Lady. The moon is darkened and must once again receive the light by Christians “looking up” to our Lady for the power to crush the serpent’s head. As in all persecutions, the love of this life stands in front of the Truth and love of our Lord for us.

Third, the effect of the persecution is to form the new body of Christ with the faithful who will lay down their lives for the sake of the Gospel of our Lord. Thus the good are proved and the weak are exposed. We must look up and beyond the persecution to the saints it will produce. When the threats and the tortures are upon us let us keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus, Mary and the saints. This prize will satisfy every heart and in the end will re-conquer the world for Christ.

Simply, look at the world around you as it passes through the four seasons and by the signs of nature you know the winter, the springtime, the summer and the fall. As the cycle continues year after year so now in the eternal plan of God we are passing through a winter and must burrow into the darkness of the modern world and protect the light that burns within our hearts. Don’t get discouraged and focus on the life that is material but in the darkness of our spirit recall and grasp firmly the light of Christ’s love for you. It will not change no matter what test He will have for you and your sanctification. It all awaits us as the birth of Christ asks us to prepare a place for Him in our hearts.

Make that heart warm with the love of God and prepare by sacrifice and discipline to form a manger so beautiful that it is fit only for the Son of God. Turn to Mary for your inspiration; speak to her in the silence of your heart; listen and act as she inspires you through the Holy Ghost. God bless and love you all and always.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt, S.D.B.

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